Solitron announced a few months ago that it intends to hold a shareholder meeting, for the first time in years, this summer after the release of the annual results. The Furlong Fund isn’t going to wait for this, and is going to court to compel the company to hold a meeting as soon as possible. Good news, especially since the fund is pushing for some big (and in my opinion positive) changes with regards to the company’s board and poison pill:
On February 5, 2013, the Plaintiff submitted an amended Rule 14a-8 proposal and an Amended Stockholder Notice providing notice that Plaintiff intends to (1) nominate two directors; (2) implement a majority voting standard for uncontested direct elections; (3) present nonbinding resolution to redeem its poison pill; (4) amend the by-laws to require a shareholder vote before adopting or amending a rights plan; (5) repeal all by-laws enacted since January 14, 2013 which were not filed with the SEC and are inconsistent with any of the proposal approved by the shareholders at the next annual meeting; (6) amend the bylaws to grant shareholder access to the Company’s proxy ballot for future elections; (7) amend the bylaws, providing Solitron shareholders the option to fill newly created board seats between annual meetings by vote of the shareholders as opposed to appointment by the board and clarifying the right of shareholders at an annual meeting to elect directors to newly created board seats where those seats are up for election; (8) expand the size of the board from three (3) to six (6) board members; and (9) if the board is expanded to six (6) or the number of seats otherwise increased, to nominate an additional three (3) directors
Check out this post at “Ragnar Is A Pirate” for the full (legal) details.
Long Solitron