I exited my position in Magix today. I don’t think it’s a great idea to remain a shareholder. Not necessarily because the outlook of no liquidity is a problem, but because I think the delisting might be the first step in trying to screw minority shareholders. Since my position is pretty small I’m not in a good position to defend my rights, especially as a foreign stockholder. With the share price recovering a bit the past days I thought this was good moment to exit. Despite the huge drop in share price past week I actually made a little bit of money on this investment. Doesn’t mean that I’m happy about this result though…
No position in Magix AG anymore
If you need help with German filings, don’t hesitate to contact me. But imho even as a domestic German shareholder you would be in weak position. This could take years before squeeze out and the legal position of minorities has been deterioritating due to court rulings.[no position]
Thanks, and yes; it seems that Germany is currently one of the worst countries in the world to be a minority shareholder…